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The bridge between the Italian and the Ugandan business communities

Schermata 2016-03-30 alle 13.13.48

The Business Club Italia in Uganda aims to  foster, facilitate and develop trade, investment and business opportunities between Uganda and Italy, as well as to promote the interests of its members. It also aims to encourage joint ventures and the exchange of know-how by providing significant networking opportunities and acting as a catalyst for the commercial potential of both countries.

Its members include Italian owned companies incorporated in Uganda, Italian companies doing business in Uganda (not necessarily incorporated in Uganda), Italian individuals and Ugandan companies and individuals doing business with Italy.

The Business Club Italia in Uganda also collaborates with the commercial section of the Italian Embassy in Kampala, with the AVSI Foundation Uganda and with Uganda National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (UNCCI), in order to further support entrepreneurs and commercial relations.

[From BCI website:]


UMA Showground Lugogo,
P.O. Box 31797, Kampala, Uganda.
Telephone: +256 (0) 414 505 356